Don't wanna squish it
I've been bitten by the travel bug again... I want to go somewhere. But where?
I've noticed that this humble blog has hits from all over the world (except South America...what's up with that?). I know I've said before that it doesn't matter to me if no one comments on my blogs. I value them, yes, but I don't require them to feel heard.
Today, I'm asking for comments on this post. I'd like to hear your opinions on a possible travel destination. Do you live in an historically significant city/town? I wanna hear about it! Does your city/town have an extraordinary pub? I wanna hear about it! Do you love your hometown? I've been researching different places, but I don't want to miss a potential great vacation spot just because I don't know it's a possibility.
Here's what I'm thinking:
- I'm open to something inside OR outside the US (I'm in)
- Small town or big city? Doesn't matter, I like both
- I'd prefer (though I won't completely rule out) to not fall into extreme tourist traps. Bus tours with a large group of Americans?... ehhh... not so much.
- Safety is always an issue, so I'm thinking Baghdad is sort of out of the question. :)
- Language differences don't scare me.
I want to hear from you! Talk to me! :)